Tag moving image

Return to Wells

  A series of animated gifs from a collection of photographs taken in Wells-Next-The-Sea, Norfolk, England in 2008.   Return to wells explores visual representations of the memory trace from a particular event in a particular location. the works intersect…

The Order of Things

close up of faces and hands

The Order Of Things: Where Are You? authors: esther jones and marie-josiane agossou video, colour, sound, 8”20″ Three faceless women try to juggle the care of an-Other with the tasks-at-hand, both essential in their roles. They are finding it difficult.…

The Woods

hand in fingerless glove, on tree bark

Short cuts@The Woodman, Sydenham Arts Festival, London, UK – The Woods – video, sound – collaborative -esther jones and marie-josiane   This short narrative film is inspired in part by Britain”s green spaces – parklands, woodlands, fields – and in…


webcam web windows

cctvecstasy cctvecstasy at AGM 09 under ctrl at the RADIATOR: EXPLOITS IN THE WIRELESS CITY cctvecstasy  explores webcam performance in the surveillance space. in front of a live audience. Featuring: paula roush as cctvecstasy, marie josiane agossou as marie_pix, deej…


fingers with green paint

colour Video  4”15’ Collaboration at the sight and touch of something so vibrant as colour, vivid memories and lost behaviours spring back. Facial expressions are not so controlled colour no longer exists