Book Contribution

I was invited to write a new chapter to the Langford’s Basic Photography book, covering the moving image. There was at the time a revival of the animated gif as a medium as well as the arrival of the cinemagraph to the web scene. These were opportunities to go back and explore the moving image as it relates more closely to the photographic practice and the tools available then.

I was at the time a lecturer delivering a module for BA photography students called The Moving Still, which was exposing students to the possibilities of animation techniques as well as interactive  techniques for more immersive forms of photographic expressions.

I was invited by one of the editors of the book to write about these possibilities in the next edition of the already widely established book. 

The 10th Edition now comprises Chapter 12: The Moving Still.

Cover of the Langford's Basic Photography Book 10th ed

Blog post Retrieved from 2019